"Active mobility and green facilities at the Borský Mikuláš Primary School"
The main goal of the SK-Klíma programme is to contribute to climate change mitigation, and foster decreased vulnerability against it.
Information about Norway grants
Norway grants represent Norwegish engagement in green, competitive and inclusive Europe.
Norway uses the Norway grants to participate in social and economic gap mitigation and furthers the relations with recipient countries in Central Europe, Eastern Europe and the Baltics.
The cooperation between Norway and the European Union is built on the EEA treaty. Together with other donors, Norway sequentially provided 3,3 million EUR in 1994 - 2014.
The Norway grants are financed solely by Norway and are available in the EU member states that joined from 2003 onwards. The overall volume of the Norway grants adds up to 1,25 billion EUR in the 2014 - 2021 period. Among the priorities are:
#1 Innovations, research, education and competitiveness,
#2 Social inclusion, youth employment and poverty elimination,
#3 Environment, energy, climate change and low-carbon economy,
#4 Culture, civic society, well-being and elementary human rights,
#5 Justice and internal affairs.
The share of co-financing by the budget of the Slovak Republic is 15 %.
For further reading about programmes and projects financed by the Norway funds in Slovakia, please do not hesitate to visit www.norwaygrants.sk
Implementation of this programme is promoted by the Financial Mechanism of the EEA and Financial mechanism of Norway up to 85 % of costs. The budget of the Slovak republic contributes up to 15 %.
About The active mobility and green facilities at Borský Mikuláš elementary school project.
The project has successfully obtained a grant of 25 thousand EUR, while the Slovak Republic budget has provided 4 thousand EUR. The project's primary goal is to prepare the school for climate change and raise the awareness of pupils, their parents, and teachers about it.
The most notable activities to be implemented are tree planting and water retention measures in the school provisions. Furthermore, an external lecture room is to be established between the main two buildings to be used within the educational process and leisure. One of the most vital projects is a refurbished cycle stand equipped with a green roof and illumination sourced by a solar panel.
Project Partners:
OZ Krok do budúcnosti
Partnership Agreements
Partnership Agreement for donor partnership project
Amendment 1 to Partnership Agreement for partnership project
Počítadlo návštev
Počet návštev: 1726