• Kick-of meeting on the active mobility and green facilities at Borský Mikuláš elementary school project

          • Borský Mikuláš elementary school invites the public to participate in the active mobility and green facilities at Borský Mikuláš elementary school project kick-off meeting. The meeting will be held on Friday 21th of May 2021 at 8.00 in the school's provisions. The main goal of the conference is to promote the project and activities related in addition to that.


            The project is implemented within the SK-Klíma "Mitigation and adaptation of the climate change" programme financed by the Financial Mechanism of the EEA and Financial Mechanism of Norway in the 2014-2021 period.


            Should you observe the meeting, please use the following link: 


          • Earth day launched activities within the ClimaEdu biennial project.

          • International Earth Day has been celebrated every 22nd of April since 1970. The main goal of activities is to emphasise the importance of environmental protection, which quality is crucial for sustainable existence on Earth. This topic was the main driver of activities during the entire week from the 19th of April to the 23rd of April 2021.

            Earth Week in our school focused not only on theoretical educational activities but pupils and children took part personally as well by collecting waste and cleaning up respective flower beds and terrain to plant new plants.

            All of us contributed to a better environment, and all of us hope that these activities will remain carried on in the future within the ClimaEdu project.

        • Our School launches project with ´Cyklokoalícia´- pupils in Borský Mikuláš will gain a better understanding of climate protection

          Newly planted trees, an outdoor classroom and bicycle stands, but also a complex approach to improving the mobility of our school as well as further education of our pupils- all of this is a part of the project, which was launched by the Primary School in Borský Mikuláš on Friday, May 21, 2021.

          The project called ´Active mobility and green facilities in the Primary school Borský Mikuláš´ was given a 25, 000 grant from Norway. The project was co-financed in the amount of 4,000 from the state budget of the Slovak Republic. The aim of the project is to improve the preparedness of our school for climate change and to raise the awareness of our pupils, but also of their parents and teachers about this issue.

          The material changes, which will be implemented in the following months, include mainly the planting of trees and small water retention measures on the school premises. The outdoor eco-classroom, which pupils will be able to use in the process of their education as well as in their free time, will be created in the area between the two school buildings. The most interesting novelty are the modernized bicycle stands, which will have a green roof and lighting via photovoltaic panels. These changes are tied to the other activities our school is preparing with its partners.

          Preparations for so-called school plan of the sustainable mobility started along with the official launch of the project. These include the investigation about the means of transport our pupils and staff use to get to school and proposals of solutions, which make their daily commute even more comfortable and greener. The school cooperates with experts, for example civic association ´Cyklokoalícia‘ and the Norwegian cycling association Syklistenes Landstorening, which realised multiple successful activities focused on a safe infrastructure in the surroundings of Norwegian schools.

          “With the number of pupils commuting to schools on bicycles, Elementary School in Borský Mikuláš is already an example for other Slovak schools. This is also evidenced by the fact that every year it places in the top of the ‚Do školy na bicykli‘ (To school on a bicycle) competition. This project can however promote school mobility to a higher level and create  first-class conditions for the ways of commuting which are healthy and environmentally-friendly" says Peter Rozsár of ´Cyklokoalícia´ which has been, for more than 10 years, devoted to improving the conditions for pedestrian and cycling transport in Slovakia.

          This cooperation is also declared by the village Borský Mikuláš. “We welcome the fact that our school is so actively involved in this issue. On the behalf of our village, I can declare that we will cooperate, and we will do everything to ensure the necessary improvements are realised” added Róbert Macek, the mayor of Borký Mikuláš. The Project ´Active mobility and green facilities in the Primary School Borský Mikuláš‘ is supported within the programme SK-Climate- Mitigation of and Adaptation for Climate Change, which is financed by the Financial mechanism of European Economic Area and by Norwegian financial  mechanism in the 2014-2021 programme period and co-financed from the state budget.

          Photogalery: https://zsborskymikulas.edupage.org/album/#photos:album:77


          In newspaper: https://www.nazahori.sk/senica/item/4672-ziaci-z-burov-chcu-iskat-lepsi-vztah-k-ochrane-klimy?fbclid=IwAR0H78Op28tTAEirAaEee7b3uM9ZjiQOCsUPS2q3NfP-k73M9RENzDWmYb8


          In Radio Regina: https://reginazapad.rtvs.sk/clanky/poznanie-vzdelavanie-veda/258028/ziaci-v-borskom-mikulasi-sa-zapojila-do-projektu-na-ochranu-klimy

          • The ClimaEdu project presentation for parents: "The active mobility and green facilities at Borský Mikuláš elementary school" and "The school sustainable mobility plan"

          • Parents were informed about the active mobility and green facilities at Borský Mikuláš elementary school project during the parent-teacher conference held on the 16th of September 2021. The conclusions of the analytical part of The school sustainable mobility plan were presented shortly afterwards. 

            More than 120 parents were present at the parent-teacher conference to hear the essential information on the project and conclusions of the analytical survey directly from Cyklokoalícia, a project partner. The parents were informed about the project's goals and were explained the primary principles of fostering sustainable mobility at the school level. The plan includes recommendations based on the data. The project is to continue in the form of infrastructure proposals to increase transport safety in the municipality.

            The project underway can be found here:Školský plán mobility prvá časť

            fotogaléria z podujatia

          • Mass cycling ride during The bike to school 2021 campaign has broken records in Borský Mikuláš.

          • During the Bike to school 2021 campaign, which our school actively participates in, a ride of pupils and teachers over the streets of Borský Mikuláš was held. Besides, the ride was one of the milestones of the ClimaEdu project implemented thanks to promotion by the Norway Grants and the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic. Predominantly, our school focuses on sustainable transport as it may be perceived as the primary contributor to deteriorated air quality and catalyses climate change.

            As the weather was nice, 150 cyclists were escorted by two cargo bikes in charge of the musical ambience. Cyklokoalícia, the project partner, provided the cargo bikes that aroused pupils' curiosity since they are still scarce in Slovakia. A brief speech wrapped up the ride.

        • Bike ride - European Mobility Week

        • As part of the European Mobility Week, the Bike Parade event took place in October 2021 - Bike ride through the village, which we organized as one of the milestones of the "Active mobility and green facilities in Primary school in Borský Mikuláš" funded by the Norwegian government grants. Our "peloton", led by our director, went through the village for almost 3 km together with all the students. We believe it was a nice bike ride that varied the "ordinary" teaching.

          And why do we „ Búrania“ go to school by bike? Because it's  absolutely normal and ordinary for us.

          We firmly believe that our students will continue to cycle to school, as all of us  know that cycling is healthy, fast and does not pollute the environment.


          • Our primary school became the winner of the nationwide Bike to School campaign

          • Our primary school became in October 2021 the winner of the nationwide To School by Bike campaign as the school with the highest attendance among schools with more than 300 students. This is the best result for the school so far in this campaign. We are all the more pleased that it was successful in the competition of more than 350 schools from all over Slovakia.

            The result is a clear proof that the topic of sustainable student mobility has been domesticated at our school for a long time. We are definitely pleased that the Active Mobility and Green Facilities project at Borský Mikuláš Primary School is a significant success in the first year of its implementation. The topic of green mobility has long been popular at our school. The overall result of 1,783 trips to school during the two weeks of the campaign is a significant contribution to climate protection, less air pollution, and better health for our students. If our students went to school by car instead of on a bicycle or scooter during the campaign, they would generate about 530 kilograms of carbon dioxide.

          • Building a unit to dam the water

          • Within the activity 2 Units to dam the water, there were installed two plastic tanks near both buildings of the school in November 2021. These are aimed to collect rain-water which will flow from roofs of both buildings. Each of the tank has a cubage of 2.3 m3. Overflowing water will be taken away onto grassy area by catch-drains.

            The main benefit of building such units is to lower consequences of climate changes. Collected rain-water will be used to water attached grassy areas.

            Secondary effect of building the units is to solve the problem with free flowing out rain-water which flows from gutters situated on the building onto an asphalt area, which meant a danger of slip mainly in winter months.

            Total costs of building units to dam water represents amount of 1,600€.



          • New trees in the school area

          • As part of the Active Mobility and Green Facilities project at Primary School Borský Mikuláš financed by Norwegian financial mechanism, we implemented additional physical measures in March 2022.

            Between the 2nd pavilion and the school club workshop building we planted three pieces of ornamental Acer platanoides Globosum trees (Globular milk maple). In this way, we try to mitigating the impact of climate change on the environment as well.

            We are already looking forward to how the newly planted trees will protect us from the strong sunlight in classrooms which windows face this space. But until then, we have to save the trees, take care of them and water them responsibly, so that this wish comes true for us as soon as possible.



          • World Earth Day

          • World Earth Day is commemorated every year on April 22, since 1970. This day is focused to protect the environment, to which we can contribute by careful sorting and recycling waste, saving water and electricity, limiting the use of means of transport and detergents or not wasting food. Even the pupils of our school are aware of threats to nature and the environment, therefore they actively participated in the environmental activities organized during Earth Week from 25th to 29th April 2022. These eco-activities took place in classes, in the school club, school yard and in school surroundings. During this week, all classes started planting ornamental or useful plants in flower beds in the new Green Oasis, which was created on an unused area behind the workshop building. By planting plants from seeds and transplants, the students contributed not only to the beautification of the school yard, but also to the creation of a new climatic element and ecosystem, and hereby to an increase in biodiversity.


          • Conference on mobility - Cycling Cities Trnava 2022

          • On May 18-19, 2022, the Cycletowns 2022 Conference - on mobility and quality of life in cities and towns, organized by the boys from the Cyclo - coalition, which our school has been cooperating for many years with, was held in the beautiful surroundings of the garden right on the town square in Trnava.

            Many guests took the stage with their contributions, presenting the possibilities of improving transport in cities and towns, and there were also foreign guests.

            We were honored by participation of our teacher Mgr. Vlasta Vajdová who presented the way how our children go to school, what successes we have achieved and regularly achieve, how we try to improve traffic conditions in front of the school, etc. This way as well, we as a school, could present ourselves and prove that we care about the healthy lifestyle and movement of our children.

            To school by bike


          • New Eco-classroom in the school area

          • In June 2022, we built a new external classroom in the park between the pavilions with funds from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism as part of the project Green facilities and active mobility in Primary School Borský Mikuláš.

            It consists of ten benches and an exterior description board. The entire space is suitably complemented by turf paving. We bought the necessary material from the project money and did all the construction work on landscaping, laying concrete paving, installing benches and blackboards on our own with the help of the 8th and 9th grade students, who, under the professional supervision of the director and the janitor, learned the secrets of the construction trade.

            Together, a work which will serve as a space for various activities within outdoor teaching was built, but will be useful also for students in the school children's club. In this way, we want to thank the boys from the 8th and 9th grades for their active approach in the construction of the eco-classroom.



          • By bike to school 2022

          • Bicycles and students of our school simply belong together. Every year, for several years now, we have been successful in the nationwide Bike to School project. Therefore, even now, we have called on all students and employees of our school to join a campaign. During the days from 17th October to 27th October 2022 they went to school by bicycle. Of course, in order to encourage the pupils to commute by bicycle regularly- we have prepared a Peter Sagan card for them again, so called - CYCLE- EXCUSE. We marked, added, and sent the number of cyclists every day, and now we are just waiting for the results of the competition.

            We regularly publish photos of our full bike racks on our website and on the project website. The current healthy lifestyle is closely linked to movement, and cycling is a kind of movement as well. And why do we "Búrania" ride our bikes to school? Because it's obvious and completely usual for us :-)

            We strongly believe that our students will continue riding bikes to get to school because we all know that cycling is healthy, fast and environmentally friendly.


          • Workshop - How a bicycle works

          • On 13th December 2022 during Technology classes, Ing. Miroslav Mihál introduced a presentation on the topic of How a bicycle works, followed by a discussion, all of this in three classes (9A, 9B and 8A) Pupils thus had the opportunity to learn about the history of the bicycle, its construction, maintenance and the mandatory equipment that a bicycle must have when riding on public roads. In the discussion, students presented their own experiences with using a bicycle.

            We believe that also this way we will contribute to even greater use of this means of transport to commute to school as well as for sports use. 


          • New and modern shed for bicycles

          • At the end of 2022, a new and modern shed for bicycles was completed, while we were given the money for it from Norwegian grants, the state budget and subsidy from  Trnava self-governing region.

             The shelter will be used by our students to store bicycles, there is a respectable number of them every day, and thanks to it, the possibilities to store bicycles have been expanded by almost another 100 parking spaces. The shelter meets the current required parameters and is also ecologically oriented, as there is going to be a green area on its roof. Another advantage of the shelter will be its lighting with external solar reflectors.


          • Visit to Norwegian partners

          • Reports were made about the visit of the project's Norway partners and were presented on regional television, TV Sen and RTVS Rádio Regina.
            Link: TV SEN

            Link: RTVS


            One of the activities within the project "Active Mobility and Green Facilities at Borský Mikuláš Primary School", which is being implemented in our school, is a visit of our partners from Norway. Mrs. Ida Ploman and Mr. Matias Pizzaro from the Norwegian organization Syklistenes Landsforening and Mr. Jerome Alamy from the largest primary school in Oslo Kjelså skole, all of them came accompanied by our friends Dan Kollar, Martin Hlásny, Marek Záhradník and Veronika Chládeková from the Cycling coalition. They were warmly welcomed in our school by the headmaster Miroslav Mihál in the premises of the second school pavilion together with other distinguished guests - the cycling coordinator of the Trnava self-governing region Mrs. Silvia Prokopová and Mr. Peter Klučka from the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic. Last but not least, the mayor of the local municipality Róbert Macek and the mayor of Šaštín-Stráže Radovan Prstek were welcomed.

            Guests and locals alike were treated to a day dedicated to cycling, school mobility and individual guests commented on the topic through their presentations.

            The school cycling coordinator Vlasta Vajdová informed our partners from Norway about our activities in the field of cycling, especially about our annual involvement in the project "To school by bicycle" and about other activities that we carry out in the school and its surroundings. The partners from Norway also informed us about their activities and activities in the field of cycling in schools as well as in cities in Norway.

            It was very interesting and stimulating to exchange valuable experiences and insights with each other. The mayor of our municipality together with the mayor of the town of Šaštín presented the project of the cycle route that will connect Senica to Borský Mikuláš and Šaštín Stráže.

            Guests loved the full bike racks under the new shelter and they were even more pleased that we were moving around our village on bicycles. The mayor also warmly welcomed our guests to the municipal office, where they learned the most important things about our village through a beautiful video. Even to the birthplace of Ján Hollý and to the straw house Sumorovec we were transported on bicycles as well. The foreign and home guests enjoyed the tour of the village very much.

            We would like to thank all the participants of this conference for their inspiring suggestions, words of gratitude and praise. At the end we concluded that the day was a nice experience for all participants. Thanks also go to our pupils for cycling to school and this day was no different.

          • Children's Day in the environmental classroom

          • On June 2, 2023, we celebrated Internationall Children' s Day in our school. The event "Children's Day in the environmental classroom" with the educational activity "painting" took place. Pupils of 9th grade under the guidance of teachers teaching art education to pupils of 1st level drew different motifs on their faces. This activity was met with great interest not only by the pupils of the 1st level, but also the pupils of the 2nd level did not despise the nice motif drawn on their face.